What Points Are To Be Considered When Handling Mooring Ropes?

What Points Are to Be Considered When Handling Mooring Ropes - Merchant Navy Info - Blog

There are various types of mooring rope meaning on ships, and they have excellent elasticity. Generally, mooring reels supplied onboard are made of nylon, polyurethane, or wire rope. A series of precautionary measures, combined with good sailing habits, can extend the life of these mooring ropes and prevent them from abrasion, chafing, cutting, and internal abrasion.

The Following Are Important Points To Consider: 

Plastic Ropes Must Be Protected From Direct Sunlight.

It is advisable to store mooring ropes below the deck on long voyages. However, if stored on deck, it should be covered with a tarpaulin or tarpaulin or stored on a rack to protect it from sunlight and salt water. Avoid sharp angles when using wire mooring rope.

A Very Common Cause Of Kinks 

In wire rope is uneven winding, either too tight or too loose, causing the wire to break between other windings on the drum. Therefore, sharp angles and pinches must be avoided in wire mooring ropes.

When Lifting Or Loosening The Wire

Care must be taken to ensure that the rotation of the drum is even and firm enough. If the coils are loose or extremely tight, the mooring rope can rub between the coils and cause twisting. We recommend using a wired roller to avoid unnecessary rubbing.

Wire Ropes 

Should be regularly lubricated with a recommended wire lubricant, tower fluid, or grease with a wire mooring rope lubricant to ensure that the grease reaches the center of the wire and prevents corrosion. Greasing by hand may not be effective as it lubricates the outer strands and often prevents the grease from reaching the core of the wire.

When Opening Or Unwinding A New Roll Of Wire

Follow the mooring rope unwinding instructions. A pulley is usually necessary to prevent chafing on the wire rope. When the wire rope descends from a pulley to a pulley, such as a winch drum, it passes from top to top or bottom to bottom.

No Visible Breaks

Wire mooring rope should not be used if the number of visible breaks in any length of the eight diameters exceeds 10% of the total number of wires in the rope. The more wires in a strand, the more flexible the wire is. As flexibility increases, the strength of the rope decreases.

Synthetic End

The mooring line has a synthetic end rope at the end to ensure safety. The ends are elastic, so the wire and tail can be properly secured when securing the container to the side. The tail is connected using a tonsberg or mandal shackle. To ensure proper power transmission and flexibility, we recommend properly assembling or connecting the shackle according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Avoid Impacting 

Chafing synthetic ropes to prevent frictional wear. Some ropes have low melting points and can become permanently fused and damaged. To prevent spoilage, do not store the rope wet.


When securing the plastic rope to the bitten, the upper wrap must be secured with a light lashing to prevent it from falling off accidentally. Synthetic ropes must be free of grease, oil, and paint stains, as they are more dangerous to handle than during many other activities on board.


A long wire under tension can be stretched to the point where it snaps back with considerable force. Static energy stored in synthetic ropes is often released when the rope is torn and snaps back to its original length, so the possibility of snapback should always be considered when working with ropes. Synthetic reeds typically do not present any external warnings or snapback hazards. The danger zone can be defined as the zone with a 10 degree cone around the line from any point where the line could break.

Excessive Heat Can Damage Synthetic Ropes.

Polypropylene and polyethylene coils should not be stored near steam pipes, hot bulkheads, or in direct sunlight. Some synthetic ropes can be damaged by chemicals such as acids, alkalis, paints, and thinners. If the rope gets oily, you can clean it with fresh water and another effective cleaning agent.

Cutting And Abrasion

Synthetic lines cannot effectively withstand cutting and also abrasion and should not be exposed to harsh conditions that may damage them. Avoid contact with sharp edges when pulling.


The surfaces of chocks and also cable guides are wire grooved or roughened and can be sanded or smoothed with a synthetic line before use. Dirt, sand, sand, and rust particles often adhere to and penetrate synthetic ropes, causing internal wear. We recommend brushing and cleaning the rope before storing it.

No Twists

Twists in the rope must first be removed by reducing the load. The winding direction of the rope also plays an important role in eliminating kinks. Most lines are right-handed and wound clockwise. It can be removed by hanging a new rope from the spool onto the shaft. To prevent uneven wear, the line attached to the winch can be periodically rotated from one end to the other. Documentation that tracks wire rope, synthetic rope, and rope end wear and usage to help plan maintenance schedules.

Based On This, You Should Consider The Following Points: 

  1. All ropes and wires must be verified for approval or certificate of conformity upon receipt on board.
  2. Test report with the manufacturer, including date, minimum breaking load, rope location, length, thickness, number of strands, material, and construction.
  3. All ropes must be marked in a special way to verify authentication if required.
  4.  Rope ends and wires must be replaced after a period of time, when the rope becomes worn or damaged, or in accordance with operating procedures, often with documentation documenting the length of use for tracking.
  5. Replacement is required if necessary.
  6. To prevent uneven wear, the wire can be rotated from one end to the other midway through the renewal date.
  7. Records of inspection, maintenance, complete renewal, and rewinding of new ropes must be kept on board to prove the history of the ropes.

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