Installing Solar Panels at Home to Sell to the Electricity Grid No Longer Pays

Nevertheless, a solar power system can be a wise investment to cover your personal electricity consumption and avoid connection fees, at least when usage is high. During the summer, Estonia’s solar panels generate so much electricity that your electricity bill is low both during the day and at night. Generally, electricity bills are highest during peak hours in the morning and evening.

Krisjan Kalming, CEO of the private company that instals solar panels, said it is no longer profitable to install new solar panels to sell electricity on the residential market. Calming, Director of Sigma Systems, said: “You can’t compare it to the situation two years ago because back then, daytime electricity prices were very high, and people were installing panels mainly for commercial purposes. It didn’t matter how much I spent on self-consumption.

“But now self-consumption is key,” Calming continued.”Producing solar power for self-consumption was and still is a wise move. Even if the market price of energy is zero, you still have to pay grid connection fees.”he said. “This means saving electricity. Low daily electricity bills mean, for example, that it makes sense for consumers on variable rate plans to run their washing machines during the day. It also means that you are.

Energy Management Expert

Hannes Agavas, energy management expert at Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech), pointed out that this can be difficult, especially when working outdoors. He said: “We currently have the lowest price for the same time of day. The question is whether you are at home and able to turn on your device. “Many People don’t have automation capabilities where something can start automatically or be turned on remotely via an app. This is definitely a development in digitalization that awaits us all.” continued Mr. Agabas.

Kristjan Karming pointed out that despite the decline in orders, there is still interest in solar modules. “It’s a stress-free time to be able to work comfortably and with a promise of a reasonable deadline,” Mr. Calming continued. This is partly because the price of solar panels has almost halved in the past two years. At the same time, batteries are becoming increasingly important to the economics of solar power generation, further increasing general purchasing costs. Agabus says: “The price of a battery with a capacity of about 10-15 kilowatt hours, suitable for an individual, is 4,000-5,000 euros.”Future.

The Greater The Volatility

The shorter the payback period, which is notoriously difficult to predict. Furthermore, much depends on political decisions and the extent to which states decide to intervene in electricity markets to ensure price stability. The same situation applies to large solar parks, continued Hannes Agavas. He said: “Managing balance sheet portfolios can be complex, and installing batteries and hybrid parks is becoming increasingly popular to cover these costs. However, this is all still in the experimental stage. We can only speculate what the final cost efficiency will be and what impact it will have on the competitiveness of solar modules in the future market,” Agavas concluded.

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