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What Is The Safety Management System SMS - Merchant Navy Info - Blog

What Is the Safety Management System SMS?

Maritime transportation is exposed to various risks. Therefore, SMS meaning maritime, ensures the safety of crew and passengers. It also protects the business from compensation claims in case of accidents. Shipping companies have faced increasing pressure in recent years to ensure the safety of passengers and vessels. Although the number of vessel losses has dropped […]

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What is the Ship Security Alert System and Function of SSAS?

The Ship Security Alert System “SSAS” is a security measure to strengthen ship security. And deter acts of piracy and terrorism against ships. The Ship Security Alert System ‘SSAS’ is widely recognized. As part of the International Ship and Port Facilities Security Code (ISPS Code). It complements the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) efforts to improve

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What Is The Mid Ocean Ridge?

Mid ocean ridge are vast underwater mountain ranges formed by constantly shifting tectonic plates. Heat and magma escape from the Earth’s core. This phenomenon has existed since the evolution of the Earth, including land and water forms. They are formed by the continuous spreading of oceanic lithosphere. Crust, and upper mantle at plate boundaries diverge

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What is a Gunwale of a Ship?

Shipbuilding terms have their origins in various cultures, customs, industrial influences, uses, and also other factors. A boat’s gunnel, pronounced “gunwale” rather than “gunwhale,” is a seemingly simple but important component of a ship. In a boat or ship, the belly is the upper end where the hull meets the deck. This article examines the

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