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Immersion Suit – Different Types, Anti-Exposure Suits, And Thermal Protective Aids - Merchant Navy Info - News

Immersion Suit – Different Types, Anti-Exposure Suits, And Thermal Protective Aids

An immersion suit is a body-covering suit worn specifically for swimming and survival in emergencies at sea. Therefore, this suit is also known as a survival suit or rescue suit and is used in commercial operations. Today, immersion suits are a must-have on ships and oil rigs to protect against cold water, rough seas and

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Huge Saudi Construction Projects 'Might Get Scaled Down - Merchant Navy Info - News

Huge Saudi Construction Projects ‘Might Get Scaled Down

Saudi Arabia’s flagship Neom desert development project, a central component of its Vision 2030 economic diversification plan, has faced setbacks. The government has been forced to reassess the project due to declining oil prices, impacting its ability to fund such ambitious initiatives. Some projects are under review, with potential delays or restrictions expected. The most

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