Do You Know About Davy Jones Ship – Find Out Now

Do You Know About Davy Jones's Ship - Find Out Now - Merchant Navy Info

What is Davy Jones Ship?

The Flying Dutchman was a legendary ship whose captain was tasked with transporting the souls of those who died at sea to Davy Jones Ship, where they would rest in peace under the captain’s care. The original captain was Davy Jones himself. He fell in love with the sea goddess Calypso (although some stories say he fell in love with the sea) and took out his heart to give to her. She gave him the task of transporting souls to the afterlife, telling him to come to Earth only once every ten years to be with her.

He returned after ten years of work, but Calypso was not there. Jones was furious. He began to abuse his powers and immortality and stopped doing his assigned work. A curse was placed on Jones, and his body gradually became more like an octopus. His beard and right hand were replaced with claws, while his left hand became a lobster claw. His crew was also cursed, and the curse took the form of various sea creatures.

Do You Know About Davy Jones's Ship - Find Out Now - Merchant Navy Info

The rule was that the Dutchman had to have a captain who could take out his heart and place it in a box. The box was to be protected, and the key was always in the captain’s hands. The person who stabbed the heart would take his place and serve for eternity, transporting souls to the other world.

The crew of Davy Jones’s Flying Dutchman is a group of sailors who have sworn to spend a hundred years before the mast, working on the ship under Jones’ command. The four most trusted companions are Markos, a sailor who looks like a hammerhead shark; Ratlin, who takes on the appearance of the ship itself; Penrod, a small sailor who resembles a lobster; and Angler, who, as the name suggests, resembles an anglerfish. Captain Jimmy Leggs, known for using a whip to separate meat from bones, keeps order on the ship.

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Jones’ bodyguard is Palevico (sometimes spelt Palafico), a tall sailor known for eating raw fish. The chief navigator is Kolenico, and the helmsman is Greenbeard. The chief gunner is known as Ogilvy. Jones’s elite trio of warriors includes Cannon Arm, whose left arm is replaced by a cannon; Morello, whose head is replaced by a Morello, who devours his victims; and the ship’s unidentified quartermaster.

Wyvern was the oldest crew member, and they integrated into the ship as time went on. Crew member William “Boot Bill” Turner Sr. also joined the ship. A common saying among the crew was “part of the ship, part of the crew,” which applied to them.

Do You Know About Davy Jones's Ship - Find Out Now - Merchant Navy Info

Other crew members included Clanker, Crash, Hadras, Old Hardy, Quittance, Two Head, Wheelback, Turtleman, Piper, Finnegan, Broondjongen, Manray, Jelly, and Urchin. There was also a Clam Pirate and several unknown members. The only activity the crew enjoyed was playing fake dice, which they played with what little they had left: years of service.

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Lord Cutler Beckett commanded the ship during the East India Trading Company’s war against piracy. He was joined by his assistant Ian Mercer and about a hundred marines from the company, including Murtaugh, Mulroy, and Admiral James Norrington. As the final battle between the Company and the pirates approached, the Dutch engaged the Black Pearl in battle.

Do You Know About Davy Jones's Ship - Find Out Now - Merchant Navy Info

During the battle, William Turner Jr. stabbed Davy Jones in the heart, who had his heart removed in his final moments and became the captain. The crew regained their humanity and were freed by the Turners, though Bill Turner decided to continue his service in his son’s honour. Will continued this duty for many years until he was afflicted with a curse for unknown reasons.

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His son Henry Turner broke Poseidon’s trident and lifted all curses at sea, freeing the captain and the rest of the Dutchman’s crew. However, Davy Jones would continue to taunt Will Turner in his nightmares and visions. The Flying Dutchman eventually disappeared, and his mission was complete.

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