Are There Any Oceans That Are Not Saltwater?

Are There Any Oceans That Are Not Saltwater? Merchant Navy Info

Oceans With No Saltwater

Freshwater is a precious natural resource essential for nourishing humans and animals on Earth. There is an estimated 1,386 million km3 of water on Earth, of which 97.5% is saltwater, and only 2.5% is freshwater. Only 0.3% of fresh water ocean is available as liquid water. The rest is locked up in ice caps and glaciers and cannot be used. Fresh water ocean resources such as glaciers, lakes, ponds, rivers, streams, groundwater, and wetlands cover less than 1 percent of the Earth’s total surface but are home to 10 percent of all animals and about 40 percent of all fish species. Freshwater habitats are important for sustaining life by providing water for drinking, agriculture, power generation, climate regulation, etc. 

Though fresh water ocean is very limited and scarce, human communities have engaged in activities that have a significant geographical and political impact on the quality of freshwater sources, such as streams, rivers, and certain water bodies. freshwater ocean resources are decreasing daily due to overdevelopment, polluted drainage channels, garbage, pollution from countless sources, etc. Many international organizations are working to purify fresh water ocean sources and prevent their pollution so that the world can have access to clean drinking water. There are no freshwater seas or oceans in the world. However, in this article, we will explore some of the world’s largest fresh water ocean resources.

World’s Largest Freshwater Resources

1. Lake Superior 

Lake Superior is the world’s largest freshwater lake in terms of area and the third largest in terms of volume. It contains 10% of the Earth’s surface freshwater. It has an area of ​​80,000 square kilometers and an average depth of 147 meters. Stores about 12,100 cubic kilometers of water. Its coastline stretches for 2726 miles or 4387 km. Lake Superior is in the center of North America, on the border between Canada and the United States. 

Its waters drain into Lake Huron via the St Mary’s and St. Lawrence rivers, and eventually into the Atlantic Ocean. In the 19th century, it was a popular export destination for industrial products. It is a vital link in the Great Lakes Waterway, providing a sea route for transporting iron ore, grain, and other mined materials. Ocean freighters and other ocean-going cargo ships transport these goods across the lake.

2. Lake Victoria 

Lake Victoria is one of the largest lakes in Africa and, with a surface area of ​​about 59,947 square kilometers, is the largest tropical lake in the world It is the second largest body of freshwater after Lake Superior in North America. It lies in an depression and has an average depth of 40 meters and a maximum depth of 80-84 meters. With a coastline of 7,142 km, the lake is shared by three African countries: Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania. Explorer John Hanning Speke named as it after Queen Victoria during his expedition. The lake is home to many fish species found nowhere else, including cichlids and the invasive Nile perch, which have put many native species at risk of extinction.

3. Lake Huron 

Lake Huron, the third largest freshwater lake in the world, has an area of ​​23,007 square miles. It is located in Michigan and Ontario. Georgian Bay extends from the lake into Ontario. Another prominent feature of this body of water is Manitoulin Island, which separates the North Strait and Georgian Bay from the lake waters. Manitoulin is also the world’s largest lake island. Another small bay called Saginaw extends from the lake into Michigan. Lake Huron is home to many towns, including Some cities, such as Port Huron, which have a thriving automotive industry. There are also many paper mills and tourism-related businesses. Tourists flock to see the historic downtowns, marinas, boardwalks, museums, and lighthouses When Lake Huron is discussed, the storm of 1913 is often remembered. During the storm, about ten ships sank, and more than 20 were stranded. More than 200 sailors also lost their lives.

4. Lake Baikal 

Located in southeast Siberia, Lake Baikal is 25 million years old and is the oldest and deepest lake on Earth. It is 1700 m deep and contains 20% of the world’s freshwater in liquid form. It is known as the Russian Galapagos. Its unique geological features make it one of the richest and most diverse bodies of water, rich in flora and fauna. It is also a site of important evolutionary research. Home to many endemic species, and its shores are inhabited by the Buryats, who raise sheep, cattle and horses and live on the eastern shore of the tranquil lake. It is also one of the clearest lakes in the world, with sparkling, clear water. The site was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1996. Many people visit the lake, helping to promote tourism in the area.

5. Lake Galilee 

Lake Galilee is the largest freshwater lake in Israel, covering an area of ​​64 square miles, roughly the size of Washington, DC. Although it is a lake, ancient legends refer to it as a sea. Christians consider the site a place of piety and pilgrimage. Christians believe that the Jesus walked on the waters of this lake, and many visit it in large numbers. It has been known by various names throughout history, depending on the important settlements that arose on its shores. Because the shape of the lake resembles that of a musical instrument, the Israelites call it Kinneret, which means violin in Hebrew. It is an important source of drinking water, meeting about one-third of the water needs of the population. Fishing is also thriving, and bananas, mangoes, dates, cotton, and alfalfa are cultivated in the coastal areas. It is fed by underwater springs. 

6. Michigan Sea 

The third largest of the five Great Lakes in North America, Lake Michigan lies entirely within the borders of the United States. It is approximately 494 km long and 190 km wide, with a maximum depth of 281 meters and an average depth of 85 meters. The Straits of Mackinac connect the lake to Lake Huron. There are numerous ports along its shores, including Milwaukee and the city of Green Bay in Wisconsin, as well as the Port of Chicago and the Port of Muskegon in Illinois. 

There are also a number of long bays, such as Grand Traverse Bay and Little Traverse Bay. Northeast. The word Michigan comes from the Ojibwa word for “great water.” And that’s exactly what the lake was to the various tribes who lived along its shores from the 16th to the 19th centuries. There are many beaches along the shores of Lake Michigan. Some of the places are really beautiful, with sand dunes and sand cherries. About 12 million people live on the shores of the lake. It’s also known as America’s Third Coast.

7. Lake Tanganyika 

With an area of ​​about 32,900 square kilometers, Lake Tanganyika is the longest freshwater lake in the world and the second largest by volume. It is also one of the oldest freshwater lakes in the world. It is part of the provinces of Tanzania, Congo, Burundi, and Zambia. With a depth of 1470 meters, it is also the deepest rift lake in Africa Many rivers flow into the lake, including the Ruzizi, Malagarasi, and Kalambo. The waters of the lake flow into or through the Lukuga River, which then drains into the Congo River and then into the Atlantic Ocean. Lake Tanganyika is known for its many islands, including Kumbula, Mirima, and Kabala.

8. Great Bear Lake 

The eighth largest lake in the world, Great Bear Lake is located in the boreal forest of Canada. It is the fourth-largest freshwater lake in North America. The lake is over 440 meters deep at its deepest point and is surrounded by tundra and also forests. The lake is known for its crystal clear waters and is home to many fish species, including brown trout. However, it has the least fish stock of any of the Canadian Great Lakes. The lake has an area of ​​31,153 square kilometers and also a coastline of 1,690 miles. It is covered with ice from November to July. 


Most freshwater lakes on Earth are in the Northern Hemisphere. Data shows that there are about 2 million lakes of various sizes in Canada alone. These freshwater bodies not only meet our an consumption needs but also beautify the planet and also are home to unique plant and animal species. They also support certain sectors, such as fishing, tourism, and shipping, as well as the local economies of bordering countries and states. Most of the world’s drinking water is found in freshwater lakes. The proportion of freshwater compared to seawater is relatively small. However, there is enough freshwater in the world to meet our needs. Human society must conserve and also use freshwater prudently so that future generations are not deprived of it.

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