What Do Cruises Do If There is a Hurricane?

What Do Cruises Do If There is a Hurricane - Merchant Navy Info - Blogs

Many people think of ships as paradise on the sea. This is a way to see the world from a new perspective, visit many tropical ports, and truly escape from it all. However, you also have to cooperate with the weather. Cruises during hurricane season for cruises come with risks. The storm is frightening and the public may feel the need to postpone or cancel their vacation.

Fortunately, modern cruise ships are capable of cruising during hurricane season for cruises. Based on previous experience and new advances, the crew has proven that these boats perform well regardless of the weather.

Hurricane Risk 

hurricane season for cruises runs from June to November, but cruises operate year-round. According to the Atlantic Marine and Meteorological Institute, if she stays in Puerto Rico for a month, she has an 8% chance of encountering a hurricane. Given that this period is the worst-case scenario, it is unlikely that you will encounter a hurricane during your vacation.

But that doesn’t mean the cruise industry is satisfied with these slim odds. Rather, ships must comply with design regulations and have disaster response plans in place, even in the slightest possibility. These measures will ensure your safety from hurricanes.

Cruise Ship Safety

Features Cruise ships have several features that help reduce the risks that hurricanes can pose to crew and passengers. Maintenance is required to ensure each function.


The hull increases the buoyancy of the ship and helps keep it afloat. This feature is very important because hurricanes can affect the waters that cruise ships pass through. Strong winds and rain can affect the ocean below and cause currents that boats can’t handle.

Ideally, the hull should have no holes through which water could enter. Most cruise ships have two hulls. This allows the inner shell to prevent water from entering the ship even if the water in the outer shell breaks.

Ship Stabilizers

Hurricanes also pose a common threat to cruise ship stability, but fortunately, there are stabilizers that can withstand even more severe sea conditions. Cruise ship stabilizers can be either passive or active during operation. 

Passive Stabilizer works in normal ocean currents and helps prevent seasickness under normal conditions. Active stabilizers counteract the hurricane’s strong waves.

High-Speed ​​Propulsion System

Cruise ships are equipped with propulsion systems that help the ship move quickly. This allows him to accomplish many goals quickly, whereas, in older versions, it took forever to accomplish one goal.

The average cruise ship can sail at around 20 to 25 knots at peak performance. The speed of a cruise ship depends on its weight, design, and performance. Weather conditions can be unpredictable during hurricane season for cruises. A high-speed propulsion system allows the captain and crew to maneuver the ship out of dangerous waters before reaching them.

Preventing Passengers from Falling 

Passengers fall off cruise ships due to alcohol or the negligence of third parties. During a hurricane, uncovered decks can become slippery and dangerous.

 In addition, there are strong currents and waves that can throw you off balance. It’s important to make basic design decisions to avoid overdoing it.

For example, the windows are made of tempered glass and will not break even when supporting a person’s weight. Ship balconies offer beautiful skyline views, but railings and railings must be approximately 42 inches high to prevent sudden falls.

Hurricane Mitigation Technology 

While cruise ship designs can withstand hurricanes, it’s not enough to ensure safety. Many technological advances can help protect your travels from hurricanes.

Weather Monitor 

The Weather Monitor is an important technology that provides real-time updates on outdoor conditions. Officials are warning everyone about severe weather. The cruise line plans to station bridge officers on deck and in the captain’s cabin to monitor this.

Passengers can also use the ship tracking app. These programs are useful tools for viewing locations and facilities on board. It can also provide up-to-date information on weather conditions at sea, providing transparency for guests.

Satellite Communications 

Communications are essential to hurricane mitigation. Weather monitors can provide information, but disseminating these important updates takes time. Icon of the Seas is the world’s largest cruise ship, measuring 1,198 feet long and having 20 decks. Providing relevant information quickly is nearly impossible.

Satellite communications allow crew members to communicate with each other. This allows commands to be quickly sent to control the ship during a hurricane. In the event of a more serious crisis, the captain and crew can contact ports, stations, and other boats for assistance and updates.

Route Planning Software 

Most people may believe that cruise ships can survive hurricane season for cruises because they are designed to do so. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. Captains and crew access route planning software to determine the safest route.

The captain avoids bad weather and chooses a safer route for the ship and passengers. Route planning software allows boats to optimize their courses. It also helps reduce mileage and save fuel, which is important in emergencies.

Surveillance System 

Passengers will be notified if certain facilities or areas on the cruise ship are unavailable. However, some may not be aware of this, and others may directly disobey the crew’s orders.

Her surveillance cameras aboard the cruise ship help track each and every passenger. They are installed in common areas such as decks, hallways, and elevators. This way, the crew can ensure that no one enters restricted areas and risks safety.

Hurricane Season Cruise Preparation Planning 

Modern design and technology can theoretically prepare cruise ships for hurricanes, but in reality, things may be different. When sailing during hurricane season for cruises, other response plans should be implemented to ensure the safety of everyone on board.

Schedule Flexibility 

Thousands of people book travel during hurricane season for cruises. Therefore, cruise ships rarely cancel. Cruises can at best delay their departure time to ensure safer conditions.

Depending on the ship, the port of entry and the port of arrival may change. During such gaps or changes, Passengers may be given the opportunity to cancel their reservation at their discretion. Cancellation policies may vary by cruise line.

Emergency Model Training 

Cruise ships should conduct mandatory briefings to ensure that passengers understand safety procedures. When vacationing there, you should be familiar with danger zones and emergency preparedness locations.

Cruise ship passengers should also know where life jackets and boats are located. Rafts have been installed on the ship to prioritize the lives and safety of those on board. An ideal exercise should demonstrate how to operate this equipment during a disaster.

Crew Response Training

Cruises during hurricane season can cause panic among passengers, so crew members must be trained to remain calm and deal with crowds. Depending on the number of staff, each staff member should be responsible for approximately 3-4 passengers.

Crew response training should also include ship maintenance during hurricane season. The ship’s stabilizer control system and other parts must be manually adjusted to remain stable in rocky weather and waves.

Hurricane Response 

Most cruise ships can use weather monitors and satellite communications to predict hurricanes. Rain may reduce visibility. In such events, captains and crews use route optimization programs to develop new courses as quickly as possible.

From there, staff will maneuver the boat away to avoid navigating difficult waters and causing further concern. The main purpose is to avoid storms. Therefore, sudden changes to the itinerary may result in sudden stops or skipped destinations.

Cruise Ship Aftermath 

Even if a cruise ship does not come into contact with a hurricane, it can have lasting effects in a variety of ways.

Changing Your Itinerary 

Some people book cruises to visit specific islands, but it can be annoying to skip an island because of a hurricane. Cruise ships can reimburse port fees and other related costs locally. This coverage can be provided through onboard vouchers or consumables.

Arrival Changes 

Some cruises may be extended or terminated early during hurricane season. Ports of arrival may be closed due to weather or dangerous shipping routes. In these cases, boats must wait or choose an alternate route.

Medical Assistance and Equipment 

Despite the safety equipment and precautions in place, slips and injuries on wet decks are possible during hurricanes. Cruise ships have medical equipment and equipment on board. Specialists will ensure that the injury does not get worse.

Psychological Support 

Some passengers and crew may be upset after encountering a hurricane at sea. Even if you’re not afraid of cruise ships or hurricanes, they can make you anxious. Psychological support from onboard experts is important to deal with this situation.

Cruise Ships can Handle Hurricanes

Hurricanes are real, but they don’t have to ruin your vacation at sea. Cruise ships are well-prepared for these storms, ensuring that passengers can make the most of their trip, wherever it takes them.

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