A floating hospital. It has 12 floors and has six operating rooms and 199 patient beds. Global Mercy is the world’s largest civilian hospital ship. After leaving Rotterdam, the ship will head to Africa as soon as possible to provide patients with access to medical care. In areas where it is currently unavailable. To help doctors make accurate diagnoses and patients. Develop effective treatment plans, the ship was equipped with a new Philips CT scanner. Philips and also the Phillips Foundation jointly provided funding, technical equipment, and training to the ship’s team of radiology volunteers. This will enable Global Mercy’s crew to leverage advanced CT technology for medical imaging. And provide high-quality diagnostic and treatment solutions to patients. Access to Affordable Health Care Global Mercy is a brand new ship in the fleet of the Mercy Ships. An organization that has been providing hospital care in hard-to-reach areas since 1978.
“It is estimated that almost 17 million people die each year around the world because they lack access to affordable health care,” says Margot Kuzimans, director of the Phillips Foundation. “floating hospital has found a easy way to address this problem. In a practical way by delivering medical care via water and making it mobile. “This is what we do. We are proud to have equipped this impressive hospital ship with the most latest CT technology. And helped install and train volunteers.” I think so.”
“This will allow Mercy Ships to further easily expand its range of diagnostics and medical treatments, and will have a lasting impact on healthcare in low-income communities,” added Margot Kuzimans. Floating hospital hopes this new ship will improve the lives of approximately 150,000 people through long-awaited medical interventions. The ship has more than 600 volunteers on board, ranging from medical staff to technicians and also trainers, who also provide training in dental care, eye care, and nutrition.
Lasting Impact Mercy Ships Netherlands Director Martin Provily:
“Our goal is to help patients in areas where medical care is not possible. To have the lasting impact on health care in the countries in which we invest, we also work to ensure that access to health care is improved not just while on the ground, but in perpetuity. We also provide training.”
”The partnership between Philips and the Philips Foundation provides better access to healthcare for people in underserved areas,” emphasizes Martijn Provily.
Several prominent guests visited the ship, including Britain’s Princess Anne and former Dutch Prime Minister Jan Peter Stralende. Following her port call in Tenerife, Spain, technical and medical work on the ship has been completed and the ship is scheduled to enter Dakar, Senegal in May.