7 Exciting Destinations You Can Explore with a Merchant Navy Job

Merchant Navy Job - Merchant Navy Info

Are you thinking of joining the Merchant Navy? Have you ever heard that the Merchant Navy Job pays you to travel around the world? And you only have to work for 6-8 months to get paid all year round. You may have heard that you can get. Well, every profession has its own advantages and disadvantages, and so does the merchant navy. In this blog, we will explain all the benefits of joining the Merchant Navy and also highlight the disadvantages of this industry. For most candidates, there are two benefits to joining the Merchant Navy. Travel opportunities and high salaries. However, there are many other benefits you can consider before joining the Merchant Navy. Below are points to help aspiring candidates understand the benefits of the Merchant Navy Job.

Benefits of Joining the Merchant Navy 

1. Travel the World While you Work. 

Travel enthusiasts will love this.When you think about joining theMerchant Navy Job,  the first benefit that comes to mind is the ability to travel while working. No doubt, the job is about sailors, so you can travel around the world for free. Working in the merchant navy is very adventurous and allows you to travel almost anywhere in the world without paying out of pocket. Once your ship arrives at the port, you can disembark and explore the surrounding area. Exploration and related activities depend on the length of time the ship stays in port.

2. Safe and Lucrative Salary Package 

There are many different jobs in the world where young professionals can earn as much as in the Merchant Navy Job. The most attractive aspect of this profession is its compensation package and salary level. Salaries typically start at $1,500 per month and go up to $3,000 but get even higher for more senior positions, such as captain. Please note that this is independent of the approximately one-year training period, which comes with a stipend of $300 to $800. Seafarers’ salaries are based on IMO (International Maritime Organization) and ILO (International Labor Organization) law standards. Salary levels have a consistent pattern around the world but vary from company to company and, more importantly, increase with experience.

3. Get Great Tax Benefits. 

Paying taxes is a responsibility that everyone is aware of. However, seafarers’ income is taxed based on their country of residence. People working in the Merchant Navy Job benefit from tax exemptions if they meet the requirements set by the government. Merchant seafarers must serve on board a ship for at least six months before they are exempt from tax for a given tax year. These laws vary from country to country. According to Indian law, if you leave India for 182 days, you are not liable to pay any tax. Therefore, if your contract on a ship sailing abroad is longer than 182 days, you will not have to pay tax.

4. Exposure to Other Cultures 

Merchant Navy Job professionals have the opportunity to meet and interact with people from different cultures and countries. This allows individuals to better understand and perform better as team members while learning the intricacies of different cultures and customs. This facilitates adaptation and increases understanding of what works and what doesn’t in a foreign country. 

Merchant Navy Job are highly adaptable and have frequent contact with international colleagues, making it easy for them to integrate with people from all over the world. Even if a ship’s crew only has one nationality, interacting with port officials from other countries will give them a better understanding of their culture and customs. If you like that kind of diversity, you’ll love this work environment.

5. No Special Qualifications are Required.

This is also a great advantage if you want to join the Merchant Navy. You don’t need advanced qualifications to start your career at sea. Even if you have completed your 10th or 12th exam, you can still take short-term courses such as G.P. Prove Start your sea readiness training with a Marine Science Assessment or Diploma. As a 12th PCM student, you can also apply for courses that allow you to become an officer early. Once you have completed your preparations at sea, you can immediately begin onboard training with your chosen shipping company. For people who don’t want or can’t get an advanced degree for a variety of reasons, a job in the Merchant Navy is the most viable option.

6. Improving Professionalism 

Working in the Merchant Navy teaches people to work effectively as a team. People working in the merchant navy must have excellent communication skills, incredible adaptability, and the ability to adhere to and maintain strict discipline. Spending more time at sea as part of a new team will further hone these skills. Working in the Merchant Navy Job allows people to grow not only professionally but also personally. This level of Professionalism comes with a tremendous level of responsibility for the ship and its crew. Years of intensive training in the industry may make certain tasks seem routine to a layperson, but achieving this level of competency requires years of hard work.

8. Long Pure Vacations 

The nature of the merchant marine profession requires long working hours, so the vacations granted to merchant seafarers likewise serve as compensation. This allows these professionals to experience the best of both the land and sea worlds. After completing a 6-8 month contract at sea, seafarers receive 4-5 months of full vacation. Vacation received by seafarers is in its purest form. When you’re at home, you don’t have to work and can fully enjoy time with your family. In a way, this makes up for the long hours on board. A  job in the Merchant Navy offers a unique opportunity to travel the world while working on a variety of ship types.

Exciting Destinations You Can Explore

Here are seven exciting destinations you can explore with a Merchant Marine job: 


As a major maritime hub, Singapore is a popular destination for Merchant Marine professionals. This city-state is a vibrant mix of culture, modern architecture, and delicious cuisine. Stroll through the famous Marina Bay Sands, visit  Gardens by the Bay, or explore Chinatown.

Dubai, United Arab Emirates: 

Dubai is a major stop on many shipping routes, and its futuristic skyline, high-end shopping and desert adventure make it an attractive destination. Explore the Burj Khalifa, experience Deira’s traditional markets, or go on an adrenaline-pumping desert safari.

Sydney, Australia: 

With its beautiful harbour, famous landmarks such as the Sydney Opera House, and diverse wildlife, Sydney is a popular destination for commercial shipping professionals. Enjoy the beaches, explore vibrant neighbourhoods and experience the unique Australian culture.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil:

With its famous Carnival, beautiful beaches like Copacabana and Ipanema, and famous landmarks like Christ the Redeemer, Rio de Janeiro is a must-see. The lively atmosphere, samba music and delicious Brazilian cuisine make this an unforgettable place.

Vancouver, Canada:  

Vancouver is located on Canada’s west coast, surrounded by mountains and the ocean. Explore Stanley Park, visit Granville Island, or take a walk along the beautiful seawall. Vancouver offers the perfect blend of urban and natural attractions.

Cape Town, South Africa: 

Known for its breathtaking scenery, including Table Mountain and the Cape of Good Hope, Cape Town is a fascinating destination. Enjoy diverse wildlife, visit historic sites such as Robben Island, and explore the city’s vibrant arts and culture scene.

Hong Kong: 

With its impressive skyline, bustling street markets and rich history, Hong Kong is a dynamic destination for merchant marine professionals. Ride the tram to Victoria Peak, explore the lively neighborhood, and enjoy delicious dim sum.

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