Navy or Marines: What’s different?

Navy or Marines: What's different? - Merchant Navy Info

Navy or Marines: What’s different?

Navy or Marine? Still confused? Let me elaborate to the extent possible in this discussion. The Armed Forces are an important element of every society and security. The military has four branches: the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines. All the branches are necessary for the nation’s security and cooperate to safeguard its well-being.

They are characterized by their capacity to concentrate on matters within their docket and unity as a team in defending the country.

So many myths exist about the Marines and the Navy. The general question that arises most of the time is how they are unique and if one of them has a superiority trait over the other. We also have the question of whether the affected still train. In this blog post, we will aim to demystify some of these myths and clarify the differences between marine and navy.

What are the Marines?

The Marine Corps is one of the most respected military forces in the country. Recognized for their discipline, strength, and courage, the Marines are important in defending American interests locally and internationally.

One has to pass certain tests, and even if one can, joining the Marines is not quite a piece of cake. It is not easy for the candidates to have the right to wear the famous Navy uniform because they have to practice and train physically and mentally. It is a cliché indeed, but seeing individuals who rise to stardom, heights of success, or simply earning the things they all deserve to attain is a true testimony that only the bravest and most dedicated men and women of this nation deserve most of the better things that come along with success.

What is the Navy?

The Navy is a unified military branch of the armed forces charged with the functions of naval and marine force, naval force and warfare, marine corps, and domestic force. Today, the Navy preserves America’s interests in the maritime domain through power projection, forward presence, and deterrence.

Besides, it fosters peace and security through diplomacy, engagement, and partnership.

The Navy also delivers humanitarian aid and disaster relief, which has become apparent in recent years due to increased natural disasters. The Navy SEALs are the Navy’s elite fighting force, comprising over 330,000 active-duty military personnel and over 100,000 reserved sailors.

Duties in the Marine Corps

The Marine Corps has four major branches: ground combat, naval aviation, landing support, and artillery. Each branch of the specified system can perform a large list of tasks.

Marine Corps Positions

The Marine Corps has four major branches: is valid for; ground combat, naval aviation, landing support, and artillery. Thus, within each branch, the Marine plays different positions.

Ground Combat

Ground combat is divided into infantry, armor, and field artillery. Marines serving in such positions are engaged in the actual fighting and may be involved in scouting and replenishment, among other things.

The Positions to be Fought In Naval Aviation

Some naval aviation combat roles include fighter, transport, and helicopter pilots. These Marines offer support to the ground troops and engage in battles with other aircraft belonging to the enemy.

Marine Corps Landing Support

The 215 Marine Corps Landing Support roles are supply, engineering, and medical personnel. These Marines supply the ground troops and carry out missions to plan the assaults on coming ashore.

Marine Corps AAV Crews

Marine Corps AAV crews conduct the Amphibious Assault Vehicle (AAV), a tactical transport developed to carry logistic supplies or troops during an amphibious attack. The crew is charged with their safety while flying the AAV and performing its basic maintenance.

Roles in the Navy

The functions in the Navy are very different from those in the Marine Corps, but the names are similar. Marines are like hall monitors at the sea. They patrol and accompany transports but do not get their hands dirty by fighting. Here are some key roles in the Navy: Here are some key roles in the Navy:

Navy Air Wings

As mentioned, this part of the Navy involves flying aircraft and running airfields. Marine pilots are some of the most professional Pilots and operate various kinds of aircraft.

Surface Fleet

These operate on the sea’s surface, starting with patrol vessels and moving on to corvettes, destroyers, frigates, and Carriers. The surface fleet guards naval stations and other facilities and assists another military branch.

Submarine Fleet

Submarines perform various functions, from surveillance to reconnaissance to attacks. The Navy considers them one of the most important assets for conducting operations in hostile environments.

Coastal Support Foundation

Coastal provisions supply firms support Navy ships and submarines with various provisions, including costs such as maintenance, repairs, and supplies. Coastal support foundations ensure the Navy’s mobility.

As you know, there is a clear distinction between the Navy and Marine Corps.

Technically, the Marine Corps is under the Navy. Hence, one may think they are similar in every regard. Indeed, it has not been stated that the two are the same; although they are in the same category, they also have distinctions.

Basic Training

In layperson’s terms, naval/marine basic training, or boot camp, is slightly different from the other. For instance, Marine recruits are equipped with the basic skills for ten weeks, while Marines are for 13 weeks. Marines have more time for basic training because they acquire more construction and engineering skills than Marines.

Structure and Organization

Structurally and organizationally, the Marines are affiliated with the Department of the Navy. Yet, they fall under different branches with their respective ranks, rank titles, and rank order. The Marines are a direct reporting unit to the President, and the Continental Army is a direct reporting unit to the President and the Secretary of Defence.


Marines’ and sailors’ responsibilities also vary. Marines are tasked with amphibious attack and landing, among other important tasks. However, sailors manage and operate submarines, surface ships, and aircraft carriers.


Marines are direct-action warfighters. They can conduct combat operations anywhere, from deserts to icebergs. On the other hand, sailors assist the naval forces in fighting operations as they perform their duties. Another important function of them is guarding Navy ships and performing search and rescue tasks.


Last, another weakness is that the Marine Corps is much smaller than the Navy. Currently, there are about 186,000 Marines; there are, in turn, more than 323,000 Sailors. This difference is because the Marines are a part of the United States Armed Forces, which is, in fact, part of the United States Navy.


The final point worth noting relates to the peculiarity of the Marines’ and Sailors’ uniforms. Military uniforms today are somewhat different, as I will try to explain later. Still, the Army and the Navy uniforms are quite similar, as they resemble uniforms that belonged to European armies of the late XVIII century. For instance, the sailor dress uniform features red cuffs and a jacket collar, which the Navy dress uniform does not have. Also, the Marine Corps combat uniforms are commonly adorned by green camouflage, whereas the Navy combat uniforms are blue or grey in most cases.

What Do You Have When You Get Injured in Basic Training?

It was found out that it is normal to get injured when you are in basic training in both the Navy and the Marine Corps. There are some steps you can take accordingly: There are some steps you can take accordingly:

Reporting an Injury

If an injury takes place, you experience anxiety to present the situation to your commanding officer or your drill instructor. Bring them and explain what happened, and they will assist you in getting the proper treatment. You may be able to continue training if your condition is not severe enough, or you may be sent home to recuperate. If you are Injured, here are features you should follow to get back to training.

Seek Medical Attention

If you are injured, you cannot seek medical attention. This can be achieved by going to the infirmary or visiting the doctor on the Field or off duty. Ensure that you undergo some medical check-ups to enable you to get back to training as soon as possible.

If one is sent home, they should get a clearance.

When on an injury, and it is necessary to go home, your commanding officer should make arrangements to be excused from your post. You can resume training when you are fit, having served a particular season on the bench or even taking a break.

Back to ‘Training’: Do Not

One should return to practicing after a doctor has cleared them. If you attempt to return early, you may expose your body to more harm than it can handle again. It will only hamper you and make it quite unproductive to perform the required exercises.

If you get injured, there is no stress because there are laws to follow and people to report to. After that, you can rest and then continue training or working further. For any form of disability, there will hardly be a time you will be locked out in the military unless you are an exception to a severe disability. Yet, if you are original enough, they will accommodate you somewhere.

Final thoughts

What does that mean, Marines and Navy? The Marines are a part of the Army involved in operations on the seashore. They are expected to start attacks, capture the enemy’s tactical positions, and defend them until support arrives. The Navy is directly responsible for maritime security, sea control, and force projection. They also come in handy for ferrying armies and carriage of logistical supplies in cases of warfare.

Indeed, no matter which branch we feel we belong to, we respect warriors who have devoted their lives to the country’s security. One way to do this is by using military coins.

Both branches strategically defend the country and have domestic and international responsibilities.

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