Lockheed Martin has successfully demonstrated the first AN/SPY-7(V)1 live-track radar for the Aegis System-Equipped Vessel (ASEV). Marking a key milestone in the program. During the first tracking event, the SPY-7 radar’s tactical hardware and software tracked an object in space. Confirming the maturity of the radar system and marking the beginning of comprehensive performance testing. “We leverage proven integration and test processes to fully test. Aegis and SPY-7 capabilities prior to delivery to Japan,” said Lockheed Martin Vice President, Multi-Domain Warfighting Solutions. Amr Hussain said.”This rigorous testing program will minimize risk. And ensure that Japan receives a fully integrated and coordinated system. As soon as possible.”Japan’s Ministry of Defense has announced that it will. We plan to deploy two ASEVs equipped with the system.
“The SPY-7 radar product line leverages technology from the Long Range Discrimination Radar (LRDR) program to improve overall strength against evolving threats,” says Lockheed Martin Radar and Sensor Systems. said Chandra Marshall, vice president. “SPY-7 provides 24/7 communications coverage and is an excellent deterrent for land and sea applications around the world.”Tracking Events, Lockheed Martin, Moorestown, New Jersey, was held at the manufacturing test center. The SPY-7 radar system and Aegis weapon system equipment will be thoroughly tested before being delivered to Japan.