The first new-generation naval drone, named Avdiyivka, was produced for Ukraine’s security services. SSU reported that naval drones received unique weapons that can be used multiple times. “This is the next generation of drones. It attacks objects with on-board weapons and alsohelps inexpensive drones complete their missions,” SSU reported. However the Security Service of Ukraine has not disclosed what weapons are installed on the new generation of naval drones. The operator of the drone said only that it would not only target offshore facilities. Naval drones for security maintenance in Ukraine were produced as part of the UNITED24 initiative.
team collaborated with volunteers, financial institutions, and also ordinary citizens, and also in one and a half days, he collected more than 320 million UAH to produce 35 more naval drones. The Sea Baby naval drone was developed by the Security Service of Ukraine. It can transport 850 kilograms of explosives, accelerate up to 90 kilometers per hour, and travel a distance of 1000 kilometers. Previously, SSU Director Vasil Mariuk called the Sea Baby drone a multipurpose platform that is effectively used today. In August 2023, Vasyl Malyuk reported on the development of a unique naval drone, “Sea Baby.” The production of these drones takes place in Ukraine, but the factory is located underground.