Cargo Ship Runs Aground at Silloth

Cargo Ship Runs Aground at Silloth - Merchant Navy Info - News


Cargo Ships constantly run into trouble when they are in open waters and trying to reach the coast. The British isles have rough seas around them. The terrain is also hard and rocky and it is quite common for ships to have trouble when trying to dock in Britain. The reason is that the weather is not always on the side of the ship.

In fact these troubles can potentially even lead to supply chain issues if they are not kept in check. One such incident has recently been doing the rounds in the news.

A cargo ship run aground at Silloth.

The 89.88m cargo ship Bremen came unstuck in the early hours.

The vessel, which flies under the flag of Cyprus, left Klaipeda in Lithuania on May 2nd. It arrived at Silloth at around 12.10 am today.

The owner is the Baltic Shipping company. The company has no previous reports of trouble.

An Associated British Ports spokesman said: “We can confirm that there was an incident involving the grounding of a vessel at the Port of Silloth in the early hours of May 8.

“The situation has been managed safely and the vessel has been refloated and is now berthed within the port.”

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