Germany Urged to Follow in US Footsteps and Put an End to ‘LNG Bonanza’

Germany Urged to Follow in US Footsteps and Put an end to ‘LNG Bonanza’ - Merchant Navy Info - News

As Germany Economy and Climate Minister Robert Habeck prepares for a two-day visit to Washington on March 6 and 7. 2024 to discuss energy and climate policy, etc. German NGOs are seizing the opportunity. and called for restrictions on LNG. Imports will follow the lead of the Biden administration in late January 2024. At the time, President Joe Biden announced that he would allow an LNG. Moratorium to get the climate and environmental review out of the way, as the existing one applied five years ago. The controversial decision caused an uproar in the oil and gas industry but was praised by environmental groups. Meanwhile, NGOs claim that some of Germany’s existing import terminals have been licensed. Without environmental impact assessments,  thanks in particular to the LNG Acceleration Act.


However, Germany believes that the purpose of this law is to strengthen the security of its energy supply. By maintaining gas supplies from other countries through LNG terminals. And that this is intended to facilitate gas imports during the transition period. It claims to be a short-term solution. There are also plans to develop infrastructure that can be used for CO2-neutral solutions in the future. Nevertheless, DUH insists on halting the construction of its LNG. Terminal in Germany until “environmental and climate assessments are carried out.” In August last year, the NGO filed a lawsuit against the Lubumin Industrial Port FSRU Neptune.


The United States is Germany’s most important LNG supplier. Last year, Germany imported 5.9 billion cubic meters of LNG from the United States for $2 billion. Accounting for a whopping 82% of Germany’s direct LNG imports. Sascha Müller-Kraner, Federal Managing Director of  DUH, said: “Gas storage facilities are fully filled,  prices are low and stable, and winter is coming to an end. That means there will be no more gas storage facilities.”We are LNG – We continue to expand our projects on both sides of the Atlantic. 

Although US President Biden has halted LNG expansion in the US for the time being, the LNG boom in Germany continues unabated.” He added: “We have asked Economy Minister Habeck: we call on our US partners. to follow the example of LNG, which should be suspended until an urgent environmental and climate assessment is carried out,” he said, using the debate in the US to discuss the US moratorium. Japan should understand this and agree to further cooperation on renewable energy, rather than importing hydraulically fractured gas to promote further use as LNG.

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