Royal Marines Unveil Revamped Vessel Set To Deliver A Lethal Punch

Royal Marines Unveil Revamped Vessel Set To Deliver A Lethal Punch - Merchant Navy Info.

Being rolled out for use on front-line operations worldwide, the Commando Raiding Craft (CRC) is a redesigned version of the tried-and-tested Offshore Raiding Craft – commonly known in the Corps as the ORC.

The service says in a news release that after two decades of service with the Royal Marines around the globe. It’s been given an overhaul to meet the demands of the commandos in the mid-21st century. Just as they return to their WW2 raiding roots: coastal landings behind enemy lines with small teams wreaking havoc on enemy infrastructure and systems.

“Repainted in grey to help concealment. Here, the CRC also has new engines providing increased range. More than 200 nautical miles – and speed – up to 40 knots. In addition, a new configuration with a driving position moved from the back to the front for better maneuverability. It also has new cooling systems, a mast, and a trim for better protection from sea conditions. Additionally, a sophisticated electronic suite for communications and navigation.

The CRC has three crew who rotate on long journeys. Also, space to launch drones and carry payloads. Also, store a smaller Inshore Raiding Craft to deploy on some landings if required. Crucially, this is a life extension and upgrade to the ORC. Also, although it is more than just a stop-gap, in the long run. Here, Commando Forces is developing a boat that will replace the ORC and CRC. In addition, larger Landing Craft Vehicle Personnel.”

Plymouth-based 47 Commando – the amphibious warfare experts of the Commando Force – will be at the controls of the CRC. No matter where it deploys around the globe.

The Unit’s Commanding Officer,Made Insightful Statements

“The CRC is multi-purpose and more supportive of the Commando Force model. It is working in small disaggregated teams that are structured to deliver a lethal punch. You can configure the craft to the way these teams are operating. This is exciting for us, because it’s a much more powerful craft. The coxswains will tell you, it’s much more enjoyable to operate. It’s more tactical and we don’t need the different variants like we currently have. We are excited to have something that does what it says on the tin.”

In the meantime, CRC is already deployed on operations. That is namely with 47 Commando’s 539 Raiding Squadron and the Littoral Response Group (South) task force in the Mediterranean.

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