What Is the Real Story Behind the Sinking of the Titanic?

What Is the Real Story Behind the Sinking of the Titanic - Merchant Navy Info - Blog

On 10 April 1912, the biggest ocean liner in service at that time, RMS Titanic, began its maiden voyage from Southampton. It was a fresh start in history, with at least 2,224 people on board, including several prominent personalities. The luxury ship nicknamed ‘Millionaire’s Special’ was on its way to New York City that day.

Designed to be the model of style and safety. The vessel featured different kinds of advanced luxury and safety characteristics. Moreover, the ‘unsinkable RMS Titanic was supervised by a senior captain. He was a 62-year-old Captain Edward Smith, again ensuring the vessel’s and its passengers’ safety.

However, the destiny of this spectacular ship was already made. On 14 April, the world witnessed what could easily be considered its most deadly civilian maritime disaster. The sinking of the great ship Titanic real story. On that fateful night, at ­­around 11.40 PM, the Titanic ship hit an iceberg off the coast of Newfoundland. It began to sink.

Over the next few hours, people saw the biggest catastrophe to hit the world. At 2:20 AM on the morning of the 15th, the biggest ship the world had seen settled at the bottom of the North Atlantic Ocean.

The sea, the sinking of the Titanic ship, and the cold weather were more than enough to take the lives of 1517 passengers. Also, the crew is on board. Just 706 survived the ordeal to tell the world the awful and sad titanic real story.

Have you ever wondered why the supposedly unsinkable Titanic went down  - Merchant Navy Info - Blog Inner Image

Have you ever wondered why the supposedly “unsinkable” Titanic went down? 

As the news of the Titanic tragedy reached land, there was shock and outrage directed against many problems that perhaps led to the accident. Many legends and conspiracy theories surfaced almost immediately after the accident on those who died and survived and also on the reasons behind the sinking of the vessel.

It was a mystery how the Titanic sank for a long time despite having the best technical design available. This question baffled many scientists and engineers for days after the disaster.

Immediately after the sinking, investigations began, and two separate inquiries were set up—one by the United States Senate and the other by the British Board of Trade.

Senator William Alden Smith and the British one by Lord Mersey headed the U.S. inquiry. The surviving passengers and the crew managed to escape from the clutches of death. They gave their understanding of the disaster. The investigations were concluded quickly. However, the initial questioning and detail gathering took over a few months.

The investigations’ results disclosed that many of the safety measures and regulations of international maritime law needed to be updated, and the ship itself needed to improve on a few of the standards.

The major causes of the tragedy of the Titanic

Titanic crew Dismissing warnings about icebergs

Due to the weather conditions in the North Atlantic. Also, the danger of icebergs was high in the Titanic ship crossing region. Reports tell that the Titanic was given at least six messages from other vessels in the area alerting of drifting ice. Public inquiries had found that the captain of Titanic failed to pay attention to the iceberg warnings. Almost an hour before the accident, Titanic’s radio operator ignored a major iceberg warning from a nearby ship, California. Since he considered it a non-urgent message. The warning did not begin with the prefix ‘MSG’ (Master’s Service Gram). Also, it did not pass it to the captain.

The high speed of the Titanic ship

Many survivors and investigators criticized the ship’s high speed in waters where ice had been documented after the accident. Reports revealed that the Titanic traveled 22 knots through the North Atlantic minutes before the collision.

Issues with the materials used for shipbuilding

Though the ship was constructed with the best technological refinement at hand. There were a few chinks in it as well. The steel sheet used to make the body was made up of a particular kind of steel that became extra brittle in the cold. It easily got cracked at the slightest of contact, in its case – icebergs, which is exactly the answer to the Titanic real story.

Less number of lifeboats

The initial public inquiries had concluded that several more lifeboats abroad on the Titanic were needed to meet the requirements during accidents. According to reports, fewer lifeboats could only accommodate 1,200 people. At the same time, the ship had over 2000 passengers and crew members abroad. Also, the detectives found that the lifeboats were used improperly. They were not adequately filled and crewed- after the ship collided with an iceberg.

A wrong turn while trying to avoid an iceberg?

A claim was made by Louise Patten, the granddaughter of the senior ship officer, to survive in 2010. She stated that the confusion caused and the wrong turn may have made the disaster more destructive. According to Patten, a decision to turn the ship’s ship hard a-starboard was passed down the line after sighting the iceberg. But the steersmen mistook it as ‘make the ship turn right,’ moving the ship straight toward the ice.

Lookouts had no binoculars

It seems impossible to think of a ship like the Titanic, but it was true. The ship’s lookouts had no binoculars because of a mix-up before beginning the voyage from Southampton. The binoculars were locked up, as the key to the store was with Second Officer David Blair. He was transferred off the ship before it started the voyage. The binoculars may have helped the lookouts spot the iceberg in time. Some have disputed that binoculars would not have been useful during the night.

Similarly, though it was mentioned in almost all the journals of the time, and indeed later, that the Titanic was considered unsinkable, this was said by only some of the owners or manufacturers at its launch. The press picked it up on 16 April when the vice president of White Star Line, owner of Titanic, Phillip A.S. Franklin, responded by saying that he thought the ship was unsinkable. He was shocked about how the Titanic sank.

The Titanic real story has remained one of the most intriguing aspects of world history. Even a century later, the tragedy has been studied in full detail. Becoming a subject of interest for artists, filmmakers, and writers. At the same time, several wild conspiracy theories have also been floated about describing the reason for this maritime disaster.

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