Exclusive: New Ukrainian Underwater Drone Project To Dominate The Black Sea

Drone Project- merchant navy info

Naval drones are changing naval warfare in the Black Sea. So far, Ukraine has had a significant advantage, but that advantage is at risk as the Russian Navy becomes more capable of countering Ukraine. Currently, a Ukrainian project seeks to introduce advanced Western underwater drones into combat. Imagine a future where Ukrainian submarines sink Russian warships in the far reaches of the Black Sea.

Project FURY, which is preparing for the Ukrainian government’s next defence hackathon, is boldly trying to do just that. The naval battle in the Black Sea was the first naval battle in history to feature unmanned platforms. 

Diving in for the kill

Ukraine was an early adopter of unmanned boat (USV) innovations and so far appears to be one step ahead of the Russian Navy. But their lead is in jeopardy. The FURY (First Ukrainian Robotic Navy) project, which will participate in the “Machine Attack” hackathon of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine on January 28, is studying the natural evolution of unmanned warfare. Intervened and killed Ukrainian USVs managed to push back the Black Sea Fleet. 

And they were one of Ukraine’s few options to threaten Russian shipping. However, its continued effectiveness has been noted. In an interview published on January 11, the commander of the Ukrainian Navy, Vice Admiral Oleksiy Neizhpapa, hinted at this. He said: “Some of the tricks and tactics you worked out in 2022 and 2023 won’t work in 2024. So, change your tactics and improve the technique of everything you do. The USV’s success was due, at least in part,  to Russia’s slowness in countering it. But the situation is changing, and Russia is deploying more defences and getting better at countering them. 

Defences against small, fast boats have existed since the 20th century and have been a focus of Western navies in recent years due to threats in the Middle East. Without further innovation on the Ukrainian side, Russia may regain its dominance in the Black Sea, especially since the war is expected to last for years. USVs will continue to be important, and new developments may continue to strain Russia’s defences, but many are looking for answers underwater. USVs will probably always be vulnerable to aircraft. The Ukrainian underwater drone project (AUV: autonomous underwater vehicle) has already been published. And definitely, there are times when this is not the case. What’s special about Project FURY  is that it’s not about building an entirely new drone.

Advantages of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) 

Armed AUVs offer distinct advantages of surprise, stealth, and survivability. It can be more expensive than your current UPS, but it’s reusable, so it’s cheaper in the long run. At the same time, it does not have the logistics and personnel space requirements of a conventional submarine. AUVs are inherently difficult to build, much more so than surface ships. Propulsion, communications, and autonomy present unique challenges, and Project FURY’s approach is to work with experienced Western AUV manufacturers to essentially weaponize existing platforms. This should greatly reduce development risk and give you a much more powerful platform than if you were to start from scratch.

AUVs will be viewed as platforms for a variety of missions. It will also be able to carry standoff weapons such as mines, torpedoes, and even submarine-launched missiles. Based on existing developments, various sensors can be incorporated. Not only can you attack, but you can also conduct espionage.


Ukraine must stay two steps ahead. If Ukraine fails, Russia could easily regain full control of the Black Sea. They could act with impunity. These underwater vehicles may be the answer. It will become increasingly difficult for Russia to combat AUVs. Anti-submarine warfare is never easy. When combined with standoff weapons, armed AUVs can threaten the Russian Navy throughout the  Black Sea. And perform missions impossible with his current USV.

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