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VLCC - Merchant Navy Info

VLCC newbuild slots for 2027 sell out in China and South Korea

By 2027, the world’s two largest shipbuilding countries will have almost exhausted the number of Very Large Crude Carrier (VLCC) berths available. Tanker broker Gibson said that in China. Delivery quotas for 2027 have expired, with the exception of a few quotas at Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipyard. And Dalian Shipyard, but in South Korea, only 12 […]

VLCC newbuild slots for 2027 sell out in China and South Korea Read More »

Submarine Drone - Merchant Navy Info

France Orders XLUUV Submarine Drone Demonstrator From Naval Group

On December 28, 2023, the DGA awarded Naval Group a framework agreement for the development and production. And testing of an unmanned combat underwater vehicle (UCUV) demonstrator. The first follow-on contract for the design and development of Naval Group’s Autonomous Decision-Making Process (ADMP). And also Safe Autonomous Navigation was awarded. This framework agreement follows an

France Orders XLUUV Submarine Drone Demonstrator From Naval Group Read More »

Shipping Faces Lengthy Disruptions As Middle East Fallout Worsens

The Red Sea crisis, and the situation in the Middle East  in general, continues to worsen. Ship diversions around the Cape of Good Hope are expected. To expand in scale and take much longer than originally expected. This is likely to be good news for long-term shipping inventories due to longer transportation distances. The Houthis

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China’s Advanced Mast Technology Could Give Fujian Aircraft Carrier The Edge Over USS Gerald R. Ford

SCMP Reasons to Trust China’s third and newest aircraft carrier.  Fujian, has yet to undergo sea trials, but details of its design, including its advanced “all-in-one” mast, are slowly emerging. The much-discussed Fujian electromagnetic aircraft catapult was shown for the first time on state television. Earlier this month, revealing that it has one less runway

China’s Advanced Mast Technology Could Give Fujian Aircraft Carrier The Edge Over USS Gerald R. Ford Read More »

Gulf Coast Ports See Mixed Year-Over-Year Results In Freight Volumes.

Port Houston Will Decrease To 4,444 Container Shipments In 2023 In 2023, cargo volume passing through Port Houston’s two container terminals will decline 4% year-on-year compared to 2022, The year it sold 3.8 million pieces. Total steel tonnage (imports and exports)  in 2023 decreased by 14% from the previous year to 44 million tons. The

Gulf Coast Ports See Mixed Year-Over-Year Results In Freight Volumes. Read More »

Iran Building Drone Aircraft Carrier From Converted Merchant Ship, Photos Show

A photo of Shahid Mahdavi in ​​Bandar Abbas went viral on Iranian social media in November. Iran’s sectarian navy is converting a former commercial container ship into an unmanned aircraft carrier. In a dry dock close the entrance to the Persian Inlet. According to satellite and open-source photos published last week by  H I. Iranian

Iran Building Drone Aircraft Carrier From Converted Merchant Ship, Photos Show Read More »

Marine Robotics Compatibility

Today, we live in a digital age characterized by intelligent devices. Remotely controlled, self-driving vehicles can go places humans can’t go. Helping researchers sample previously inaccessible parts of the ocean and atmosphere and areas that are poorly sampled. Like the Southern Ocean. You can easily expand the overall geographic scope of your region. RRS Sir

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If aircraft carriers are obsolete, then why do so many countries continue to build and buy them?

The question goes to the core of modern naval procurement, and not just in the United States. The People’s Liberation Army has assembled a vast array of systems designed. To destroy aircraft carriers and thus deter them from entering contested waters. At the same time, the PLAN is in the process of fitting out its

If aircraft carriers are obsolete, then why do so many countries continue to build and buy them? Read More »

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